The best foods for beautiful skin

Die besten Lebensmittel für schöne Haut

An even complexion, lightly tanned and smooth, free from redness and blemishes such as spots - is that what you want for your skin? If you want beautiful, clear skin, then make sure you not only look after your skin properly, but also eat a balanced diet. With the right foods, you can prevent blemished skin by providing it with valuable nutrients and minerals.

Don't have time for a balanced diet? No problem, because you can prepare the right foods for beautiful skin as snacks to go in just a few minutes. To help you know which fruit and vegetables you should include in your diet in future, I have listed a few foods that you should put in your shopping trolley from today. Because the fight against (possible causes of) blemishes starts with a healthy diet. There are also some foods that you should avoid, as they have been proven to have a negative effect on your skin.

Vitamins for beautiful skin

A balanced diet is the cornerstone of clear skin. This is because the interaction of vitamins is important for cell renewal and cell protection. To avoid blemishes or redness, you should provide your body with the right nutrients.

Vitamin A stimulates the production of new skin cells and prevents premature ageing of the skin. It also supports your immune system. B vitamins also support cell renewal and ensure firmer skin. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and moisturize the skin.

Vitamin C was probably the first thing that came to mind when you read about vitamins for beautiful skin? That's because it strengthens the immune system and is prescribed for colds. Everyone immediately advises you to take vitamin C. It acts as protection against cell damage to the skin caused by external influences such as UV radiation or nicotine and also ensures smooth skin.

Vitamin D is a very special nutrient, as it is mainly absorbed through the skin when you go for a walk in the sunshine. It supports the renewal of skin cells and therefore also promotes the healing process for inflammatory skin conditions such as acne. Vitamin E also protects against premature ageing and has an anti-inflammatory effect on skin blemishes such as spots.

These 7 foods are good for your skin

Colorful fruits and vegetables look great, taste great and are great for your skin.

Skin care with the right diet can be really fun and adds variety to your plate.


Nuts not only fill you up, they also give you beautiful skin. They contain lots of important minerals and fats. The zinc and omega-3 fatty acids they contain support wound healing and have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect on the body.


This trendy superfood certainly lives up to its name. The green fruit with the soft flesh not only looks good on bread, but also in the body. The unsaturated fatty acids in avocados have a positive effect on the skin, making it more elastic and supple.


As mom used to say: "Eat carrots, my child. They're good for your eyes." She wasn't wrong and the beta-carotene it contains even makes for beautiful skin. The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, which supports the formation of new skin cells and protects the skin from damage caused by too much sunbathing, for example.


Can't imagine your breakfast muesli without these small, blue fruits? For good reason! Because blueberries are full of vitamin C, which is important for stimulating collagen production. It tightens the connective tissue and strengthens the elasticity of the skin.


Children either love it or they hate the green leaves. But it is not without reason that it is regularly served with potatoes, as it contains lots of vitamins A, B and C. This makes it not only good for beautiful skin, but also for nails and hair.


This green cabbage vegetable is very similar to spinach in terms of its nutrients. It also contains the skin-beautifying vitamins A and C and minerals such as zinc, which counteracts inflammatory skin.


The human body consists of 2/3 water! However, the amount decreases in the course of life. You can also recognize this by the fact that the skin loses tension and becomes increasingly saggy with age. It is therefore important that you always drink enough water to ensure that nutrients are transported to the cells. You should drink about 2 liters of water a day - fortunately, the quality of tap water is so good that you can drink it from the tap without hesitation and always have some in the house.

These foods are bad for your skin

For radiant skin, you should avoid some foods, even if it seems difficult at first. But believe me, your skin will thank you for it.

Wheat flour, convenience foods and sweets

It's better to stay away from wheat flour and convenience products, even if they save you a lot of time in the kitchen. They are low in nutrients but usually high in fat and sugar. They may fill you up for a while, but they don't provide your body with important nutrients and you'll soon be hungry again. The fats and sugars reduce collagen production, which makes the skin appear saggy and pimples appear as bacteria can settle in.

To achieve beautiful and radiant skin, it is therefore important that you drink plenty of water and include a variety of fruit and vegetables in your diet. You should avoid fatty and sugary foods and drinks as much as possible to prevent skin blemishes. Of course, blemished skin can still occur despite a healthy diet. This can be due to a hormonal imbalance, for example. But you can easily have this clarified at a doctor's appointment. And in the meantime, you can try out a few new recipes. How about a creamy porridge and fruity berries?

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